Nesting, Scoping, and Proximity (a FAQ)

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See the latest specification for details.

Do we really need both scoping and nesting?

Scope and nesting have some surface similarities, and nesting can be used (and has often been the only available tool) to express scope-like relationships. However, they diverge significantly from there.

At it’s core, the nesting feature is a semantically meaningless syntax sugar to help authors express any compound or complex selector in a more terse and elegant way. While the resulting selector may involve ancestor/descendant relationships (DOM nesting), that is only one use-case among many others. The fact of one selector fragment being ‘nested’ inside another does not imply any particular relationship in the final selector:

.parent {
.child:has(~ &) {
/* .child:has(~ .parent) */

Scoping, on the other hand, is a semantic tool used to express a specific relationship between two or three matched elements.

These are three distinct selectors, matching distinct elements in the DOM. The ‘root’ and ‘boundary’ together are used to establish a tree-fragment ‘scope’ – and then subjects are restricted to match elements inside that given fragment:

@scope (.parent) {
.child:has(~ :scope) {
/* not possible to target subjects outside the scope */

Even where there is overlap (when nesting is used to express ancestor/descendant relationships) this semantic distinction is important.

This also plays out in the difference between & or :scope as ways of referencing context in a wrapped selector. The & selector (from nesting) is a simple placeholder that can be replaced by the wrapping selector fragment. That fragment may match multiple elements

.context {
& + & > & {
/* .context + .context > .context */

The scope selector, instead, references a single element: the root of the current scope. That element can’t have a relationship to itself, so the selector above would not make sense in a scoped context.

In order to merge the features, we would need to choose one behavior or the other. So instead, we’ve done what we can to differentiate where they overlap:

Should scope be an at-rule or a selector syntax?

This need for matching two or three distinct elements to generate a scope – and then matching additional selectors inside that scope – makes it difficult to represent ‘scope’ in a selector syntax. How do you keep the three selectors distinct from each other?

Since a scope includes everything from a specific matched root until boundaries inside that root, the scope ‘root’ and ‘boundary’ selectors need to be explicitly associated with each other. At first, we tried capturing that in parenthesis, with a new / divider between the scope start and end selectors:

(.root / .boundaries) .subject { /* … */ }

In the simplest case, this makes sense. But the fact that this syntax lives mid-selector adds potential for a lot of confusion. Each part of that selector can extend out to a full list of complex selectors – and also arbitrarily nested inside a selector list.

Are additional prefixed selectors applied to the scope or the subject or both?

.context ~ (.root / .boundaries) .subject { /* … */ }

/* which of these do we mean? or something else? */
(.context ~ .root / .context ~ .boundaries) .context ~ .subject { /* … */ }
(.context ~ .root / .boundaries) .subject { /* … */ }
(.root / .boundaries) .context ~ :scope .subject { /* … */ }

Which raises the question, what does :scope refer to in the selector above? Does it take meaning from the broader context outside the selector, or does it refer to the scope root defined mid-selector?

If we nest scopes, how does that work?

((.outer / .scope) :scope .root / .boundaries) :scope > .subject { /* … */ }
(.outer / .scope) :scope (.root / .boundaries) :scope > .subject { /* … */ }

Also, the scope part of the selector doesn’t match any one element, but an entire tree fragment that the subject has to be within. Either we would need to disallow scopes as the right-most subject, or imply a * selector at the end.

All of these are solvable problems (and some can even be recreated with nesting the at-rule) – but in general the at-rule helps by keeping the three selectors distinct:

While it would be possible to define all the same behaviors in a selector syntax, it would require a whole list of special ‘limitations’ for authors to memorize – limitations that are already implicit as part of an at-rule syntax.

A selector syntax is also harder to extend in the future, if we want sibling scopes, or inclusive vs exclusive boundaries – all of that detail has to be handled mid-selector, either relying on ascii art, or some other new syntax. In an at-rule, we can more simply provide keywords in a prelude.

But maybe even more importantly, the purpose of scope is always to be a wrapper. What makes selector syntax powerful is the flexibility of combining different elements in complex ways to create new matching behavior. But with scope, we always want:

That’s a semantic intent clearly expressed by nesting selectors inside a scope rule. Removing the at-rule doesn’t remove the intent, but only makes it more implicit – and increases the chance for author mistakes.

(The proposed >>/~~ combinators have raised similar issues, which can only be resolved by parsing out distinct subject elements from a single selector – and can get into similarly meaningless situations. While that’s possible to define, I’m not sure that the results are clear, or have a distinct use-case apart from being potential syntax sugar.)

Why combine lower boundaries and proximity in a single feature?

Both of these behaviors allow authors to establish limits on the lower end of a component ‘scope’. Lower boundaries provide a hard limit (no elements match beyond this point) while proximity provides a softer ‘giving way’ of priority to more narrowly targeted scopes.

We can see the similarity of purpose in the fact that one of our core use-cases could be expressed either relying on lower boundaries or proximity:

/* avoid conflicts through lower boundaries */
@scope (.light-mode) to (.dark-mode) {
a { color: blue; }

@scope (.dark-mode) to (.light-mode) {
a { color: powderblue; }

/* resolve conflicts through proximity */
@scope (.light-mode) {
a { color: blue; }

@scope (.dark-mode) {
a { color: powderblue; }

The cascade-proximity heuristic is a useful last-catch for handling the cases where hard boundaries would be too invasive – but both are expressing the same concept of an inner scope priority.

These two approaches also rely on the same approach to element targeting. The first step is to define the individual elements that form ‘scope roots’. then we can match the subject elements in relation to those root elements and determine:

Neither of those can be determined without separately matching two or more distinct elements, each with it’s own selectors:

@scope (<start>) to (<end>) {
<subject> { ... }
  1. <start>: the scope root
  2. <end> (optional): the lower boundaries
  3. <subject> the elements to style

So in both ‘author intent’ (balancing inner/outer priorities) and ‘technical approach’ (multiple selector subjects) these two features are well aligned to work as a pair.

Should ‘proximity’ override ‘specificity’?

(We call it ‘weak’ proximity, when it falls under specificity in the cascade – or ‘strong’ proximity if it overrides specificity.)

In practice, lower boundaries and a ‘weak’ cascade proximity represent both ‘strong’ and ‘weak’ approaches to avoiding scope conflict, and giving priority to the inner-most rules.

Scope boundaries are explicitly defined, and avoid cascading conflicts by instead limiting the reach of a selector. This is a ‘strong’ guard against outer styles influencing nested scopes.

In many cases as well, different ‘types’ of scope fall neatly into different layers. For example, broader ‘color theme’ scopes are likely to live in a lower layer than narrow ‘component’ scopes. That layering can be handled in CSS, without relying on DOM proximity.

On the other end, cascade proximity is a heuristic that can help in situations where more explicit rules don’t make sense. This situation primarily comes up when two scopes have similar intent (and are therefor in a similar layer, with similar specificity).

In practice, what we’ve found is that:

Because of those considerations, authors who have explored the current prototype – including many who came in expecting to argue for ‘strong’ proximity – have so far consistently preferred the ‘weak’ approach.

While I’m sympathetic to the sense that ‘specificity is unreliable as a heuristic’, I think we need to be careful not to assume that ‘therefor proximity would be more reliable’. Both are heuristics that can be useful as sorting mechanisms – but neither one provides an air-tight mechanism for author control. And in practice, specificity provides more author control over the final results.

The other counter-argument that’s come up is: if we don’t want it to be strong, do we need it at all? To me, this misses a few things: